Tips for the English Exam - Bac

24-06-2020 Lectures : 9271

Suggested by Mrs Houda RJAB, English Teacher, Tamaghza School, Tozeur, Tunisia

1) Reading comprehension:

  • Read the questions carefully before reading the text.
  • Do not waste your time looking for the answer of one question, if you don't understand a question move to the next.
  • Write clear answers and do not write in more than the given space.
  • Use quotation marks for the true/false questions.
  • Skim the text to answer the questions, that is, do not read the whole details, read just to answer.
  • Do not get frustrated when the text is long, the longer it is, the easier it will be.
  • Do not spend more than 40 minutes for the reading comprehension.

2) Language:

  • Read the whole paragraphs before starting the answers.
  • Read the words before and after the blanks to know the right form.
  • In the matching activity, (match the sentence parts from both columns to form a coherent paragraph...) read the ends of the first part and the beginning of the second parts.
  • For the blank filling activity, read all the words in the box and categorise them according to their form: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs...
  • Do not devote more than half an hour for the language activities.

3) Writing: 

  • Write short, clear sentences.
  • Do not overuse linkers and use only the appropriate ones.
  • Do not overuse "and".
  • Do not copy ideas from the text.
  • Do not repeat the words of the essay.
  • Do not bother the corrector with extra ideas.
  • Write only ideas which have relation to the topic of the essay.
  • Follow the writing process.
  • Do never let writing space blank spot.

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